Aoife Golonka: Aoife took her SS refereeing course early in 2022 and immediately started refereeing with Saanich Fusion, her original club. She then took her full field course at year later and starting officiating both in the middle and on the line for both Fusion and the BCSPL. She would definitely like to referee at a higher level and upgrade to regional and perhaps even to provincial. Aoife started her soccer journey playing for Fusion and has now been playing for the Wave team in the BCSPL for the past couple of years. Aoife delivered outstanding officiating performances at the recent A and B Cup Provincial finals as both an A/R and referee.

Magnus Weir: Magnus started refereeing at the age of twelve years old. His original reasoning for becoming a referee was to become more involved in the game he loves. He has officiated at the Provincial A and B Cups; the LISA District Cup finals; in the BCSPL; and for his home club Bays United in Tier2/3 competitions. As another step in his referee pathway, Magnus has expressed a desire to take his officiating to the next level through mentoring and assessments; attending the Candidates education sessions; and taking the regional referee course when it is next offered.