B Cup Provincials

Congratulations to everyone who participated in B Cup! Congratulations to Saanich Fusion U18B Barnes on winning provincials! Here are the Results: Girls: U14G JDF Guldin - 3rd Place U15G Gorge Predators - 4th Place U16G Gorge Walker-Duncan - 5th Place U17G Gorge Purves - 2nd Place U18G Bays Buchan - 7th Place Boys: U14B Gorge Petch - 2nd Place U15B

LISA Scholarships

The Lower Island Soccer Association is once again pleased to be offering eight (8) $1000.00 scholarships to graduating LISA players!  The deadline to submit your application is Sunday, April 30th.  Application criteria and details can be found here: https://www.lowerislandsoccer.com/scholarship-information/ Here is the LISA Scholarship Application Form - LISAScholarshipApplicationFormFinal Please note that BC

BCSA Equitable Voting Structure Status Update

BC Soccer is advising members and affiliated clubs on the status of the work done to establish a more equitable voting structure for soccer in British Columbia. Following the outcomes of the BC Soccer Special General Meeting held on June 1st, and in the spirit of transparency and collaboration that has